“Powerful and heartbreaking”
Tim O’Brien

“This memoir documents what the war in Iraq has been: young soldiers doing their heartbreaking best to do the right thing amid confusion, chaos, and collateral damage”                                                     
Mary Doria Russell

“An articulate and devastating memoir”

Army Times
“The personal narrative chronicles a series of harrowing events in order to reveal a deeper sense of the heroic”
Brian Turner

Selected Media Coverage of Beyond Duty 
CNN Report with Barbara Starr
The Story with Dick Gordon, National Public Radio
The Current, CBC News
Dallas Morning News, article by Brooks Egerton
New York Times, article by James Dao
Introduction of Resolution HR856, U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C.

Click here for complete listing of media coverage

Selected Public Lectures and Readings
University of Virginia, University of Southern California--School of Law, Department of Veterans Affairs--National Brain Injury Center, Texas Christian University, Baylor University, The Citadel, Pepperdine University, Mount St. Mary’s University, Virginia Military Institute, Delaware County Community College, Suffolk University School of Law,American University,Syracuse University, West Virginia University, PA Department of Corrections, U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Edgewood College, Harvard Club, Harvard University--Kennedy School of Government

Articles and Other Writing by Roger about War and Veterans
“Three Approaches to Veterans in the Writing Classroom.” With Alexis Hart. CCC 68.2 (December 2016): 345-371. Winner of the Richard Braddock Memorial Award for Best Article of 2016.
“Veteran’s Voices.” With Alexis Hart. Pedagogy. 16.3 (October 2016): 511-516.

“Recognizing Silence: Composition, Writing, and the Ethical Space for War.”Generation Vet: Composition, Veterans, and the Post 9/11 University. Ed. Lisa Langstraat and Sue Doe. University of Utah Press, 2014. 199-215.

“Veteran’s Voices: Undergraduate, Graduate, and Faculty Military Veterans in the Classroom.” Pedagogy. Special Issue Cluster, Co-Edited with Alexis Hart. 16.3 (October 2016): 511-549.

Veterans and Writing. Co-Edited with Alexis Hart. Composition Forum 28 (Fall 2013).
“‘An Ethical Obligation’: Promising Practices for Student Veterans in the College Writing Classroom. Results of a 2011 CCCC Research Grant.” Co-authored with Alexis Hart.

“Reacting Responsibly to Veterans in the Writing Classroom: An Interview with Marilyn Valentino.” Co-authored with Alexis Hart. Composition Forum 28 (Fall 2013).

“Writing, Trauma, and the Writing Classroom: A Response to Travis Martin.” Co- authored with Alexis Hart. Writing on the Edge 23.2 (Spring 2013): 37-46.