Selected Other Writings
“Earth, Wind and Fire’s Musical Re-Integration. Op-Ed. The New York Times. A 23. Feb. 13, 2016. Most viewed Opinion piece of the day.

“I Was Head Counselor at Jared Leto’s Summer Camp.” Ozy (April 4, 2016 Pulled). Web.

“Time’s Up for Time Out: Neurology Research and Discipline.” Dec. 19, 2014. Most emailed article of the week.

“The Scientific Evidence Against Spanking, Time-Outs, and Sleep Training.” Earlier version published on Quartz Dec. 18, 2014  

“Distant Wars, Constant Ghosts.” Op-Ed, The New York Times. Ghostwritten with Shannon Meehan. Feb 22, 2010. Most emailed and commented upon editorial of the week.

An Interview with Mary Doria Russell. Dreamers of the Day. New York: Random
House, 2008.

That's the Way of the World. Liner Notes for the DVD Release (July 2006): 1-7.