Phyllis Cole, Past President of the Ralph Waldo Emerson Society
“I have sensed for some time that Emerson is important to the study of rhetoric—and, particularly, American rhetoric—but I have not found a thorough summary explanation of how that is so. Roger Thompson’s unpretentious and careful book provides precisely that sort of explanation in ways that offer a fresh perspective on Emerson’s rhetorical theory and practice. ”
Gregory Clark, Former Editor of RSQ and Past President of Rhetoric Society of America
Nominated for an RSA and an MLA Book Award.
Join the Emerson Society: www.emersonsociety.org
Roger’s Articles about Emerson
“Emerson, Plato, and the Search for True Rhetoric.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 48.2 (2015): 117-138.
“Emerson and America.” Ralph Waldo Emerson in Context. Ed. Wes Mott. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 12-20.
"'Habit of Heat': Emerson, Belletristic Rhetoric, and the Role of the Imagination."College English 69.3 (January 2007): 260-282.
"'Fate,' September 11, and an Ethical Hermeneutics." Pedagogy 3.2 (Fall 2002): 420-425.
"Ralph Waldo Emerson and the American Kairos." Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Ed. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2002. 187-198.
"Emerson, Divinity, and Rhetoric in Transcendentalist Nature Writing and Twentieth- Century Eco-Poetry." Ecological Poetry: A Critical Introduction. Ed. J. Scott Bryson. Salt Lake City: Utah UP, 2002. 29-38.
Roger’s Articles about Emerson
“Emerson, Plato, and the Search for True Rhetoric.” Philosophy and Rhetoric 48.2 (2015): 117-138.
“Emerson and America.” Ralph Waldo Emerson in Context. Ed. Wes Mott. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. 12-20.
"'Habit of Heat': Emerson, Belletristic Rhetoric, and the Role of the Imagination."College English 69.3 (January 2007): 260-282.
"'Fate,' September 11, and an Ethical Hermeneutics." Pedagogy 3.2 (Fall 2002): 420-425.
"Ralph Waldo Emerson and the American Kairos." Rhetoric and Kairos: Essays in History, Theory, and Praxis. Ed. Phillip Sipiora and James S. Baumlin. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, 2002. 187-198.
"Emerson, Divinity, and Rhetoric in Transcendentalist Nature Writing and Twentieth- Century Eco-Poetry." Ecological Poetry: A Critical Introduction. Ed. J. Scott Bryson. Salt Lake City: Utah UP, 2002. 29-38.